Forest Stand improvement
We can implement all stages of the process to thin of forested stands, whether to improve quality and vigor, or to convert a stand to another natural community or cover type.
Custom Timber Felling
Blue Heron Stewardship, LLC is not an arborist firm, and does not perform urban tree removals. We can help you with projects requiring a skilled sawyer, where precision and efficiency are required, with attention to detail. This is work Luke has done since he took his first chainsaw class in 2001.
Invasive Species Management
We can work with you to identify and implement options for removal of woody invasive plant species and/or undesirable tree species.
Prescribed Fire
Blue Heron Stewardship LLC is not a provider of Rx fire services, but recognizes fire as a critical management tool for many natural communities, and will connect you with professional providers of this service. Luke has served on burn crews for over 10 years and will happily discuss the ways fire has been used on our personal property and how it might be suited to yours.
Timber Sale Establishment and Administration
We can work with you to manage commercial timber harvests on your property.
Generally, Timber Sale Establishment involves:
Timber marking based on prescribed practices from management plans or landowner goals
Timber volume and value data collection and analysis
Submitting appropriate cutting notices
Advertising timber harvest to prospective Buyers
Drafting and managing a Timber Harvest Contract signed by Landowner and Buyer
Oversight during and after the timber harvest operations
Restorative Forestry
Timber Harvests
(Logging with Draft Horses)
Why? Because it’s appropriate, efficient, sufficient technology in some applications, and can help guarantee little to no residual stand damage when properly implemented.
How? Watch below.
We don’t currently have draft horses available to conduct these precision-style harvests, but historically, professionally, this is where Luke developed his chainsaw experience. We’re considering restarting this service, so if you’re interested, please let us know. For now, stay tuned, and enjoy some photos of this work.